Belle progress…

Hee!! I’ll be finished with Belle tomorrow. I finished the bodice today, all hemmed, got the grommets in, and all. I’ve still got to do the shoulder pieces and put the jewels on but neither should take long. Yay 😀
Also made more good progress with Ash’s costume, I’m very pleased with how it’s coming out.

Those two things are good news because I’ve been in such a terrible mood today, so things going right costume-wise was a good thing, makes me happy.

The girls are coming over thursday night to try on things. I’m at a stopping point in their costumes until I can make sure everything is fitting ok.

I would say…
Belle = 95%
Cinderella = 60%
Snow White = 30%
Leia = 20%
Polychrome = 80%
Ash’s costume = 45%

Which is also good, because I think at this point last year pre-Dragoncon, I was much, much worse off! Heh. I’ve got all this weekend to work (no plans, just sewing! And maybe napping, napping is good)